12. - 15. März 2024 | Toulouse/Montpellier/Nizza, FRANKREICH

USA Investment Meetings


The US-France Economic Investment Mission is a three-stop mission throughout the South of France.

This mission will bring numerous opportunities for you to learn how to invest and grow your business in the United States. The delegation will consist of representatives from 15 U.S. states who you will be able to meet as well as learn best practices for investing in the United States.

As a part of SelectUSA, this mission will offer a variety of services to help international companies connect with economic development representatives at the state and local levels.


Info and register


Are you also planning an investment in the USA - I look forward to hearing from you:

Christoph Dörr

Phone: +49 7154/ 965 71 0
Mobile: +49 171/ 31 80 214



Flyer Toulouse


Flyer Montpellier


Flyer Nice





Mitglied im Verband Deutscher Werkzeug- und Formenbauer e.V.:

Mitglied im VDWF

Mitglied im
Swiss Aerospace Cluster

Mitglied im SAC

Mitglied bei
AmCham Austria

Mitglied bei AmCham Austria

berater Umwelt
Technik BW

Ressourceneffizienzberater Umwelt Technik BW

Mitglied im Deutschen Mittelstands-Bund (DMB) e.V.

Mitglied im DMB

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